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Mercedes Ballbe Ter Maat, Ph.D.   

USA, Argentina


Dr. Mercedes Ter Maat is an honorary member of HART, former president of HART, a professor in the Department of Counseling at Nova Southeastern University’s College of Psychology in Ft. Lauderdale. Prior to joining NSU, she was the director of the school counseling graduate program at the George Washington University, Alexandria, VA campus and an assistant professor at Virginia Tech. She has over 30 years of combined working experience as a counselor educator, mental health counselor, school counselor, and art therapist.


Dr. Ter Maat participates in local, state, national, and international leadership undertakings for the fields of mental health counseling, school counseling, and art therapy and frequently presents on topics related to multicultural counseling, ethics, motivational interviewing, and the use of art in counseling and therapy.


She actively participates in humanitarian work, most recently in Argentina, Swaziland, Lebanon, and Peru, and her research interests are in enhancing the quality of life of the immigrant, minority families in crisis by identifying risk and promoting protective factors through school- and community-based interventions.


She is a past-president of the American Art Therapy Association, the honorary president of the Croatian Art Therapy Association, and the current president of the European Branch of the American Counseling Association. Dr. ter Maat is a licensed professional counselor and a board-certified/registered art therapist.


Croatian Art Therapy Association (HART)

American Art Therapy Association (AATA)

European Branch of the American Counseling Association (Eb Aca)

The Red Pencil Humanitarian Foundation

ProCure-Art Humanitarian Organization

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Mercedes Ballbe Ter Maat, Ph.D.   

USA, Argentina


Dr. Mercedes Ter Maat je počasna članica HART-a i bivša predsjednica HART-a.  Dr. Ter Maat je profesorica na Odsjeku za savjetovanje na Fakultetu psihologije Sveučilišta Nova Southeastern u Ft. Lauderdaleu, USA. Bila je direktorica programa diplomske škole savjetovanja na Sveučilištu George Washington u Alexandriji, VA kampusu, i asistentica profesorica na Virginia Techu. Ima više od 30 godina radnog iskustva kao edukatorica savjetovanja, savjetnica za mentalno zdravlje, školska savjetnica i terapeutkinja umjetnosti.

Dr. Ter Maat aktivno sudjeluje u lokalnim, državnim, nacionalnim i međunarodnim vođenjima u područjima savjetovanja za mentalno zdravlje, školskog savjetovanja i terapije umjetnosti, te često predstavlja teme vezane uz multikulturalno savjetovanje, etiku, motivacijski intervju i upotrebu umjetnosti u savjetovanju i terapiji.

Uključena je u humanitarni rad a u posljednje vrijeme volontira u Argentini, Svazilandu, Libanonu i Peruu.  Njezini istraživački interesi usmjereni su na poboljšanje kvalitete života imigranata i manjinskih obitelji u krizi identificiranjem rizika i promicanjem zaštitnih faktora putem intervencija u školi i zajednici.

Bila je predsjednica Američke udruge art terapeuta, počasni je član Hrvatske udruge art terapeuta i trenutna je predsjednica Europske podružnice američke udruge za savjetovanje. Dr. Ter Maat je licencirana stručna savjetnica i certificirana/registrirana art terapeutkinja.


  • Hrvatska udruga art terapije (HART)

  • Američka udruga art terapije (AATA)

  • Europska podružnica američke udruge za savjetovanje (Eb Aca)

  • Humanitarna zaklada The Red Pencil

  • Humanitarna organizacija ProCure-Art

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